Tuesday, July 22, 2008

How to Lose Your Love Handles With the Help of Music

Does music really make a difference in your ability to lose love handles or undertake any fitness routine? Can it improve your performance? Good questions.

Until recently, you may have had a hunch that music may help. After all, often a good tune can really improve the fun factor, especially whilst doing longer duration exercises such as long distance running, for example. But there may be more than meets the eye here (or should that be, "more than meets the ear").

Now science agrees. Recently a leading United Kingdom university team, led my Dr. Costas Karageorghis, completed a fascinating study proving a link between athletics and music.
The study involved testing thirty-six fit men and asking them to complete a four hundred metre time trial firstly without any music accompaniment. Then the same trial was completed with medium or up-tempo music.

The results showed that the pacing effect of listening to fast paced music enhances the athlete's anaerobic endurance. Also taking a stride to the beat or the synchronous effect, can also help distance runners get through their event.

I have personally found over many years a dramatic effect with the use of music in my personal fitness routine. We all know boredom can be the enemy in our attempt to lose love handles but having a great song play out as you are exercising can make a difference in motivation, fun and in your resolve to "get cracking".

When I attempt the same exercises without music, I generally feel my mood dropping and my performance suffers. What about for you?

How to lose love handles can be greatly enhanced by switching on the MP3 player and just doing it.

If you would like to learn how love handle exercises and weight loss tips will remove body fat permanently... even in your mushiest spots... without drugs, without supplements and without screwing up your metabolism, then you must check this program out. Lose love handles It's guaranteed and thousands have got the results to prove it! Click Here

Friday, June 13, 2008

Review of the Truth About Abs

Recently I came across a great program and I would like to bring it to your attention because I have found it has some great information in it which may benefit you, like it has for me.

Like anything in life however, I would not buy it if you are somebody who reads the information and will not take action. Inaction produces no results and just wastes your time and money. But I was pleasantly surprised to see this program has an easy to follow format, which means implementation is simple for anyone and not time consuming. It fits beautifully into a busy lifestyle which seems to suit you, me and everyone else these days.

To find out more about the Truth About Abs, "CLICK HERE"

Find out the best way to lose love handles and other techniques that work.The majority of the program focuses on full-body training programs as well as strategic exercise combinations and sequencing that increases the metabolic rate and stimulates a fat-burning hormonal response in your body.I also noticed a detailed full-blown section on nutritional strategies and a fully comprehensive dietary plan that will actually have you enjoying food again and getting and staying lean for life.

Now these are the 2 most important aspects of the program that make the
Truth About Abs one of the most successful abdominal fat loss programs on the internet today with customers in over 100 countries around the world. Lose Love Handles the fastest way possible works and the 100% guarantee is heartening for those of you who just want to "try it out" first.Review How to Lose Love Handles Fast for yourself by Clicking HereThe Real Truth About Abs and How to Lose Love Handles Forever Click Here!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Exercises for Love Handles

Exercises for Love Handles

Welcome to the first in what will be a very busy blog. The complete purpose of this blog is to give you - dear reader -the very best techniques that I have used or seen others use that produce remarkable results!!!! There are many great exercises for love handle eradication or reduction and I will bring these to your attention.

I wish you well in your fitness endeavours..

Regards from Brian
Exercises for Love Handles